Mandriva One 2008 Spring - 10 CDs Pack Mandriva Linux One 2008 Spring is a full Linux operating system on a single CD for both new and experienced Linux users, it is fast to install and also safe to try with a live mode. One is really the one CD you need!
Quick and easy installation One's fast installation system is the easiest way to get started with Linux.
Try Mandriva Linux safely
Try Mandriva Linux safely
One lets you try Linux without worrying about the consequences.
Effortless 3D desktop Experience the latest 3D-accelerated desktop technologies in the easiest way possible
Coming from Windows? Don't worry!
One includes everything you need to make a painless switch from Windows to Linux
The best tools Make your system work for you with One's industry-leading configuration tools.
All the applications you need on a single CD
One contains everything you need to get your work done and organize your life.
10 CDs Pack - 32 Bits
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