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O3Spaces - Collaboration for OpenOffice - 5 users

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O3Spaces Workplace is a basic content service (BCS) fully facilitating ODF productivity suites. O3Spaces provides document centric collaboration including real-time version control, check-in/check-out and document security. O3Spaces is the integrated Basic Content Service for and Staroffice.

AJAX web-client
O3Spaces’ web based workplace environment provides the main graphical user interface that can be accessed with any web browser. It presents organized easily accessible workspaces for teams, workgroups and projects. It houses powerful advanced search functions that allow full text search of ODF, PDF and MS Office documents.

Desktop integration
Stay up to date without having your web browser open. The O3Spaces Workplace Assitant provides real-time notification on all relevant changes in your workspaces. Furthermore, the assistant automates all necessary document retention and versioning activities when you work on your documents. & StarOffice integration
Open shared files from your workspaces, or publish your document to a team-site directly from your Office application. Collaborate and enhance your office productivity without having a web browser open.

Cross platform
O3Spaces provides you the freedom of choice, whether you use a Linux, Solaris or Windows desktop, O3Spaces will provide its full range of functionality, web-client, desktop integration and and StarOffice integration.

Working in your own native language. O3Spaces supports multiple interface languages (Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Norwegian and Polish) and new localizations can be added easily.

Support and services provided by O3Spaces
5 end user software license for O3Spaces for an indefinite period of time

One year subscription for O3Spaces including:

  • product updates for O3Spaces
  • basic support services (forum and e-mail support) at O3Spaces
  • 5 direct support calls from O3Spaces

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